Help! No delivery slots are available

There's good news and bad news.

The good news is that eventually these systems will work better than they do today. The bad news is that they are kind of a pain to use at the moment.

The reason why is plain to anyone who has seen the bare shelves of supermarkets on TV. (Hopefully you are not venturing into these crowded supermarkets yourself).

The good news, about the shelves that is, is that in the early morning they're usually well-stocked. America's food supply chain is working. Abroad, the supply chain is working. This is a really good thing. You will almost certainly have to deal with inconveinances, but you will probably be able to get the food you need, and then some. (If you are in a food emergency, consider calling ____ ______).

Okay — I get it. System broken. So what do I do?

This is all just advice. No company has confirmed these tactics, nor should they, because if everyone follows them then the tactics become less effective, you see? But here's the deal:

Most delivery services update available slots on a rolling, somewhat frequest basis. (To be clear: some of them surely have long stretches without updates; don't blame yourself if you aren't getting lucky). 

Anyway — the stores tend to update at predictable times. Midnight or 6am seem to be worth trying. Which may be a real pain for you, or maybe it's your time to shine. Leave your phone next to the toilet, and when you are emptying your bladder at one of its all-too-frequent intervals, pop open the app. Don't go to CNN or Fox. Just look at the delivery service. No luck? Maybe next time.

Rinse (with soap), repeat, and you should be getting lucky in no time. Maybe.

This is a test