Delivery FAQs

What's the difference between Amazon Prime Now and Amazon Fresh?

Consumer Reports did some digging and published a comprehensive analysis here. The short version: there isn't much difference, though Amazon Fresh is a bit more expensive. Our advice is to try both services and use whichever one has a delivery slot available (fingers crossed).

Here are some of the takeaways from the Consumer Reports article:

  • Both Amazon Prime Now and Amazon Fresh require you to be a member of Amazon Prime. Amazon Fresh costs an additional $15 per month on top of that. In return, Amazon Fresh offers a wider selection of products (though that may be a moot point, given the demand on grocery delivery services.)
    • If you're in the SNAP (food stamp) program, Amazon will waive the $15/mo fee for Amazon Fresh.
  • Amazon Fresh orders are delivered from Amazon's fulfillment warehouses. This is speculation on our part, but it probably makes it less likely that the items you order will subsequently be "unavailable", requiring a substitution. 
    • In contrast, if you use Amazon Prime Now to order groceries from Whole Foods or another local retailer, a shopper may grab the item you're buying from store shelves, before your delivery person can fulfill your order.
    • In some areas, Amazon Prime Now also offers delivery from Amazon's fulfillment centers (these are the 'Amazon' store in the image below). As with Amazon Fresh, this probably makes it less likely that an order you succesfully place will subsequently need many substitutions.

Can I buy alcohol? 


Can I buy tobacco products?

And look, I know you don't need to hear it, but coronavirus is a respiratory infection, and tobacco does not do wonders for your respiratory system. It's a scary time so I get if you have to turn to something.